
Is Old Age Such a Bad Thing?


My friend and I were discussing Downton Abbey a few weeks ago and agreed on how pleased we were that Maggie Smith looked like a genuine, wrinkled, saggy, old lady. As we talked, we realized one of our favorite aspects of British television is that many programs star actors and actresses who are middle-aged or old.

It seems like American television is overly populated with the young, thin and beautiful, but our U.K. brothers and sisters acknowledge that one can be over 40 and still be a viable human being with an interesting life.

I watched a program on network television last night that featured an actress I remembered seeing regularly in the 1980s when she was probably about 35. That would put her firmly in her 60s now, and she looked seriously bad.

Not because she looked like a real woman in her 60s - sags, bags, wrinkles and all - but because she looked like a woman in her 60s who was trying to look like she was a woman in her 30s. She possessed that sad, sad appearance that accompanies too many facial surgeries. Poor thing, I thought. In order for you to find any work in the U.S. you probably feel compelled to constantly shore-up that sagging flesh on your face and body.

I'm not too happy when I look in the mirror anymore either, but you can't fight time and gravity forever. I plan to keep on living, loving, learning and having a good time despite the sags and wrinkles.

Maybe that's one of the biggest advantages to never having been beautiful, you don't have so far to fall:)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for your faithful visits. I appreciate your blog so much. Glad I gave you a smile.

  2. There is nothing wrong with aging. I know the number on my birthday cake some years makes me wince (and I'm not even that old!), but it's only because of where I wanted to be at this age when I compare it to where I am.

    I'm still going to treat my skin well, but surgeries just to try to look pretty? No thanks. I want to do my best to age naturally and with grace.

    1. Yes ma'am we should take as good care of ourselves as we can, but not obsess over it.

  3. No being old is not a bad thing - it is a good thing - or else we'd be dead - right? lol sandie

  4. Great post. You know, I never really thought about it, but you're right about british TV. Age should not be disrespected the way we tend to do (wow was that an awkward sentence or what?), it should be treasured. We should hold our elders in awe, as many other cultures do. Our elders have seen more than we have, they have lived and loved and suffered, laughed and cried and coped. I see older people as strong. It takes strength to make your way through life's slings and arrows. And those who do so with grace and beauty are even more inspiring!

    Happy Blogging!
    Kaye Draper at Write Me

    1. I am concerned that other cultures are adopting our poor attitude toward the elderly. Wow, you're right. It takes a lot of strength to deal with life's heartaches.

  5. Ah. I still think your beautiful Elizabeth. I think the greatest advantage of age is that so many things you knew are new all over again and you can relive the delight. God bless, Maria Delight Directed Living

    1. Thank you for the compliment and appreciated the funny comment.

  6. Haha, Loved this post! It's all so very true. I find it uncomfortable to look at women (or men!) that have had too much facial/body work done. There's a desperation there that seems so sad.
    I'm with you on never having been beautiful- I've often thought this of myself and in a good way.

    My complaints about old age (and I'm not there yet!) are about health complications.

    1. I agree Lexie. It seems like many of the elderly people I know spend many hours every week visiting one doctor or another.

  7. I think you're observations are correct our society tends to put way to much attention on youth. The Brits are better!
    I like my Nana's way the best actually forget the outside pay attention to what's inside! Of course that would be in a perfect world. yet to come....

    1. Yay Nana. She knows what's important. Now if we only focused on this when we were very young.

  8. HA! Life is the great equalizer. We all start off young, spry, active, and we all decline. I love downton abbey too, b/c there are no teens and any of the ridiculousness that comes with THAT age group! from The Dugout

  9. So true! I don't know what's going on with the Americans...
