
Post-Wedding Let Down?

I expected to feel a post-wedding let down after my daughter's marriage on Saturday (a brag post with photos will follow soon :) ). But, there hasn't been time.

We have had house guests, one of whom my son and I took to the airport at 4:45 a.m. yesterday and another who will continue to visit until Saturday. My youngest son is home from college for spring break. One of our cars broke down during the crammed-full pre-wedding days so juggling car schedules was added into the mix.

And today? Well, we're having what we in the south call a snow storm. An inch of snow is considered a storm in our area, but we're actually in the middle of  a snowfall that may reach 8 inches. The upside is that everyone stayed home from work and the house is cozy and warm because I always have a desire to bake on days like this.

I expect life to slow down a little next week when everything returns to normal and then there should be time to think about the changes my daughter's marriage will bring to our family dynamic. She will no longer be living in our home and she and her husband will be moving to Peru later this year. Transitions, transitions . . .


  1. Well you probably know your daughter is going to be very happy. We got 1/4 inch of snow in GA this am. Best of luck to the bride and groom.
    Hugs, sandie

  2. savor every chaotic, joy-filled moment ... the house will be still before long ... and yes, yet another transition to make your way through!

    1. You're right, my house is already becoming too quiet, but all my sons will be home this weekend and we're looking forward to it (I bought extra milk.)

  3. Wow...Peru. Quite a distance away. Now you'll have a reason to travel there. :-) Looks like you've got some spam above. I took off my anonymous option (in comments) and that cleared it up.
    from The Dugout

    1. I was hoping to visit the U.K., but it'll probably be Peru instead! Thanks for catching the anonymouses for me. The spam filter usually does the job. Changed settings as you suggested.
