

I've never watched the popular cable show about hoarding, but I can understand how people who tune in might feel a sort of horrified fascination. I think it might be akin to our interest in reading celebrity gossip columns in the newspaper or magazines. (I officially know I'm getting old because I've never heard of most of the people being written about.)

Sorry, I'm rabbit trailing. I want to talk about hoarding for a moment - virtual hoarding .

After receiving my Kindle Fire for Christmas last year it didn't take long for me to find out how I could receive daily emails informing me about free or low-cost ebooks. Before I knew it, my Kindle library was stuffed with dozens of fascinating books I knew I would love to read.

How many have I actually read? I am too ashamed to reveal that pitifully small number.

The other source of virtual hoarding for me is Pinterest. I think I joined Pinterest last year and initially spent hours trolling through everyone's newest pins every day repinning like crazy. (Here's a major confession. I went onto Pinterest to double check something while writing this, got sucked right in and was pinning and repinning before I knew what hit me.)

Do I ever go and look back to see what's on my boards? No.

Does this suck hours away from my day?  Yes.

Are Pinterest and downloaded ebooks inherently evil?  No.

Is downloading books I won't live long enough to read and pinning ideas on my boards that I don't even bother looking at a wise use of my time?  No.

Why do I feel compelled to become entangled in virtual hoarding? In real life I'm the antithesis of a hoarder. I'm constantly sorting through my possessions and donating or throwing them away. I am entranced by the thought of simplicity and minimalism.

I don't like piles, I don't like mess and I don't like chaos. But I do like books and reading. Storing books on my Kindle allows me to indulge my passion for reading at no expense of money and space.

I also like recipes, humor, decorating and craft ideas and Doctor Who (I really need to write about my Doctor Who fixation sometime soon.) and Pinterest allows me to collect and store all of these "ideas".

I don't have any collections of things in my home (mainly because I hate having to dust), but Pinterest allows me to collect whatever I like for free and without having to find room to store my collections or dust them.

But, realizing the ridiculousness of hoarding virtual books and ideas a few months ago, I stopped reading the daily emails that lured me to download lots and lots of free books I might want to read someday. I just open those emails occasionally. When I see something interesting I stop and ask myself, "Will you really, honestly read this book?" Most of the time I ruefully answer myself, "No, you idiot." And so, I don't download.

What about Pinterest? I just stopped cold turkey. Every month or two I'll pop on and take a look, but at the end of my browsing I see that an hour or more has passed and am shocked that I've used so much time accomplishing nothing. That realization is what keeps me from away from Pinterest.

So, like all things in life, I need to exercise moderation. The things I am attracted to and enjoy aren't usually bad, but should probably be enjoyed in very small doses.

Images Source


  1. Hmmmmmmm. I'm not a saver exactly and am constantly cleaning my files, but I do save pretty things - I don't buy them - but they make me feel good. Love, sandie

    1. I don't think there's anything wrong with having things that give us pleasure. I think maybe the problem starts if we have so much stuff it becomes a burden rather than a joy.

  2. I think we all have to be aware of exercising moderation in all things we could potentially hoard, virtual or not. I've considered getting a Kindle but not sure how I would like to read a tablet rather than an actual book. I rarely buy books these days and get most of mine from the library. It is easy not to hoard them from there since they are due back in three weeks :)


    1. The library is my favorite source for actual books for the same reasons you state.
      The Kindle is great because of its portability. If you travel or have a daily commute (where you're not driving of course) it allows you to have a choice of reading material in one small package.

  3. I'm thinking about how to read some of those Kindle books this year. I may challenge myself to read some in 2013! If I buy them, even for a small amount, I'm more apt to read them. The free ones look good, but I don't feel the same pressure to read those.

    I'm actually trying to figure out a good way to keep track of my To Be Read List. I decided to set up a page on my blog to keep better track. So, we'll see if that works better.

    1. I'll look forward to seeing how you progress as I read your blog in 2013.

  4. I LOVE this post! And your illustrations are spot on! How much of real life have we passed by because we were too busy trolling around online.

    Would you give permission for me to use your 4 LOOK photos as part of a post that would refer people right back to this post?


    1. Linda, here's where the photos came from (I wish I had created them)

      As long as you include a link (the one I provided above) you are allowed to use them at no charge.

    2. oops ... I was so energized by what you had written and what I had seen that I didn't see the images link on the bottom!



  5. I can lose HOURS on Pinterest, too. I hate it and I love it. I like to organize and move things around. I do try things, and I've removed a few ideas that didn't work. But, between writing and blogging, checking fb and email...it's too much time at the computer. My butt is expanding as I write this. :-)

  6. This is a great post - so, so true. I love the comparison of on-line hoarding. Never have been on Pinterest because I know what it would be like for me - one more thing, one more huge chunk of time down the drain. IF I had a Pinterest page, I think it would display the images you posted- they are perfect!

  7. I have always hoarded images, recipes, crafts etc. Now they just don't take up any room and I don't pay for the sources. I'm not even sure if I actually spend more time reading blogs and pinning than I used to reading magazines and tearing out pictures that I liked.

    Whether or not this is actually a good thing, I don't know, but I do find it somewhat comforting to realize that at least my addiction is a long-standing one.

    1. I appreciate your perspective. It seems to come down to whether or not we are comfortable with our choices. If we are - great. If not, we need to make a change. Thanks for your comments.
