
The Gift of Grace

No one forgives with more grace and love than a child.
Real Live Preacher (Gordon Atkinson)

Do you ever have a word or concept that continually pops up in your life? You keep thinking about it, hearing about it and reading about it. The last three years, the concepts of community, worship, forgiveness, and now grace have become that type of word for me. 

Grace can be defined as unmerited favor, something we don't deserve. 

In music, there are grace notes. I found them described online as "Notations used in writing music. They are notes written much smaller than regular notes, and donate sounds that are shorter than full notes. They are ornaments, they hold little value in of themselves, yet they can advance and embellish works of music. Like a spice that makes a good meal great."

What a beautiful thought. I am trying to learn to add those little notes of grace into my relationships. I  hope that the grace I am striving to learn to freely give will help to "advance and embellish" my interactions with others.

My Teacher, as I study the subject of grace, is the author and originator of grace. If I can learn to extend to everyone around me, especially those who hurt or offend me, even 1/1,000 the amount of grace God pours out on me daily I will feel that I am being an obedient child to my Teacher. 

Image: salvatorevuono/freedigitalphotos.net


  1. What a lovely post, I'm just stopping by from the AtoZ Challenge. I have set up a link to your blog on my post for today's letter,

  2. wow ... our relationships really begin to take off and grow deep when loving, faithful grace becomes our common language, our undying focus, the air we breathe ...


  3. I always feel like grace begins with being quiet enough to listen to others. It's another "g" a goal for me. Just stopping by for the A-Z Challenge. Please check us out and sign up to follow if you like what you see. Juliet atCity Muse Country Muse

  4. Wonderful opening quote. Grace is one of my favorite names and words. With this post you have given it the accolades it deserves. I had forgotten about Grace Notes...love the idea of them being ornaments. Very thoughtful and Graceful Post for Letter G. Thank-you!
    Sue CollectInTexasGal
    AtoZ LoneStar Quilting Bee

  5. I have heard that grace (in addition to unmerited favor) is also God's power and ability. When I use that definition it is much more clear how I can do all things through Christ! Lovely G word!

  6. Hi Elizabeth, I like your music metaphor. Amen to your post. God bless, Maria from Delight Directed Living

  7. I don't think I'd make it without HIS grace. sandie

  8. I am so pleased to know the true origin of the phrase "grace note." Thank you so much! This knowledge will help me remember to keep in mind His grace as I go through my day.

    Happy A to Z!

  9. I had never heard of a "grace note" in music before. It's always fun to learn something new. Very inspiring post...such nice thoughts to reflect on at the end of the day (when I'm reading this).

  10. Thanks for enlightening me on the phase grace notes..very interesting.

    I think we could all hope and pray for a little more grace in our lives when it comes to our relationships..

  11. This is beautiful. I will add this to the things I need to ponder more deeply! :)
