
3G, 4G Gee Whiz

During the past two decades while I've been busy giving birth and raising and homeschooling my children, the world of technology has not stood still.  While I contemplated the merits of contemporary cursive over traditional cursive, computers shrank from room sized to notebook sized.  I didn't mean to become ignorant, it just happened naturally.

After all, when you're trying to teach several someones how to read, then multiply and divide, dissect earthworms and, eventually, write a college application essay, who has time to debate the merits of PC vs. Mac?
But learn I must and I've made great strides in understanding technology in 2011.  With the help of my husband, children and PC World not to mention Best Buy ads and ShopSmart Magazine, I've learned a lot.

This old dog (who is finally on Face Book, but still has a flip phone), at least knows what a smart phone is, can discuss web hosting, is bereft without WiFi and feels like a hotshot with her new Kindle Fire, has learned some new tricks.

Image sources: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=1786


  1. I , too, have 'come a long way, Baby' since I turned on my first laptop back in 1998, scared to death that I'd do something wrong and ruin it!! Good post - to the point - a touch of humor - ;-)

  2. Thanks Lynden. Don't want to get left behind, do we?
