
U.S. in Transition

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Did you hear on the news recently that non-caucasian births outpaced caucasian births in the U.S. last year?   This wasn't a complete surprise, it was expected to happen in the next 10 to 20 years.  The fact that it occurred already was the unexpected part.

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I don't know if children learn this in school anymore, but I was proudly taught that America was a melting pot that welcomed  people from all over the world to its shores in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  Are Americans still proud of this heritage?  Is the U.S. ready to become a non-caucasian dominant society?

Government, business and actually society as a whole have been controlled by white males since Captain John Smith and the other men on the Godspeed, Susan Constant and the Discovery settled  the Virginia Colony.  But all of that will change in the future as more non-white Americans grow up and become our nation's new leaders.

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I view this as a positive transition for our nation since fresh ideas and different cultural perspectives can keep us progressing and growing and, hopefully, more competitive in the global marketplace.

But what I'm really wondering is, what do other people think about this?  I would love to hear your comments and continue the dialogue.  What do you view as the positives and/or negatives as the face of the U.S. changes?


  1. I welcome anyone who wants to come. My issue is that they come legally. There are privileges/responsibilities that come w/ living in America (working, taxes, voting, obeying the law) and I simply wish people would respect the process. I may open a can of worms saying that, but I'm being truthful. :-)

    1. I appreciate your willingness to share your perspective. It's important to examine such an important situation from all angles.

  2. Hey Elizabeth - I found your blog through Maria's!

    Basically, it sounds like most of the US will look a lot like Prince William County. I don't think that's all that bad!

    Personally, I don't have an issue with people who are here illegally. I wish they would come legally, but I think most of them wish that they could be here legally, too. The whole system stinks.

    1. Welcome Danielle! I also appreciate hearing your perspective too. It is another facet that needs exploration and examination. Illegal immigration is a fact. What the U.S. does or does not do about it will affect who we are as a nation.
