1. What was your biggest worry five years ago? Is it still a worry?
Who can remember? There is a moral in that, isn't there?
2. Yesterday (October 15th) was National Grouch Day...what makes you grouchy? What cheers you up when you're feeling grouchy?
Being too busy, hungry, or tired makes me grouchy. I'm cheered by a good book, a good meal, rest, or something to laugh at.
3. In one word, how does it feel to be photographed? Yuck.
4. Besides your parents, who would you say had the greatest influence on you in choosing your life path? Explain.
I really can't think of anyone who influenced my life plan.
5. The crisp days of autumn are here ...what's something you like to eat, but only if it's crisp?
6. What's the most useless object you own?
The object I'm thinking of is quite useful, except I've never used it. It is the food dehydrator given to us as a gift 15 or 20 years ago that hibernates in the back of a corner cupboard, brand new and never been used. I can't part with it because I am going to use it someday. Truly.
7. Share a favorite fall memory.
I can't pin this down to one specific time, but a favorite memory I have is walking through piles of leaves shuffling my feet and kicking the colorful leaves up in the air
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Two of my kids seemed to have had food poisoning this week on two different continents. Poor sweeties. Wish I could have been there to comfort them and offer ginger ale.

Image: graur codrin/freedigitalphotos.net